IT Security Assessments
Having a functioning, secure network is necessary to keep your organization running. An IT security assessment can make sure your network security is at its best – reducing the risk of data loss, reputation damage, lost revenue, and business-threatening downtime that can occur with cyber attacks.
Undergoing an assessment will identify and close potential cybersecurity gaps to keep your network and data safe from hackers, viruses, human error, and unforeseen events. You could compare it to someone’s own health – you may feel fine, but a routine doctors visit could uncover some hidden ailments or warnings. If you aren’t proactive, the situation can worsen dramatically. That’s why an IT security assessment is necessary to protect your company and it’s data.
The assessment can protect you from:
- Email-based viruses getting through unprotected mailboxes
- Worms, viruses and malware
- Trojan applications and phishing schemes
- Ransomware
In addition to the potential damage to networks and data, there are other critical business factors that can be affected and discovered with an IT security assessment:
- Employee productivity – wasted by accessing Facebook, ESPN, shopping, etc.
- Bandwidth abuse that can be slowing down critical business applications
- Downloading of pirated software
- Loss of proprietary business data and information from the inside.
Investing in an IT Security Assessment now can save you time, money, and headaches in the long run.
Contact us for assessment pricing and a customized security package for your organization.
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Meet Peter
Meet Peter Franklin, our IT Security Engineer who will perform the assessment for you. He understands the needs of nonprofits, and is here to help take measures to prevent your organization from cybercrime.
He’s here to answer your questions regarding security assessments:
Why do we need a IT Security Assessment?
When taking a leadership role at your organization, you probably never thought you would have to deal with security planning, but we are seeing cybercrime happen more than ever. It’s definitely best to make the initial investment now, rather than wait until you are the victim, and suffer data loss, downtime, or even worse – reputation damage.
How do you scan my network?
With access to your network, we can remotely run a data collector from a computer signed in to your network. There is no “monitoring” software, and there is no detectable performance degradation.
How long does the scan take?
My scan will run quickly, can be done overnight, and we usually allow a couple days for results in case some workstations are not online during the testing. After all the results are compiled, we send you a report.
Is this scan secure?
No business data or passwords are gathered or transmitted, and there is no need to modify your firewall settings which could in other situations compromise network or system security.
What will the report tell me?
The report reveals the issues that were discovered, and we can discuss support details needed to correct the problems, making a strategic plan for future network security.
Can we afford a Security Assessment?
A lot of people tell me that they want to perform a security assessment but don’t have the budget to do so. My response is always, “can you afford NOT to do this?” Would you rather open a file on your shared drive one morning and see a ransom note? It’s an upfront investment of real money but better to take action before you have an emergency situation which will cost you more in the long run.