Does Your Organization Need an MSP?
For many organizations, even those with an IT Manager or Director but little IT staff, it makes sense to hire a Managed Service Provider (MSP) to handle IT and cybersecurity. MSPs come with years of IT experience, can help with long term planning, and provide day-to-day support for your staff. Would your organization benefit from working with an MSP? Here are a few things to think about while you assess your IT needs and make the right decision for your organization.
If you don’t have an IT department
Many small to medium-sized organizations don’t have dedicated IT staff, or they rely on one in-house IT expert to handle all their technology issues. This often leads to one staff member overseeing IT (and other responsibilities) and getting overwhelmed. They may also have trouble staying on top of IT developments, creating effective budgets, and handling major upgrades or security improvements. While hiring more in-house IT staff can be expensive, working with an MSP will likely help you save on cost while simultaneously providing IT expertise to help your business thrive.
If you have trouble with IT budgeting
Without a serious understanding of your current technology, and what will need to be upgraded or purchased over the coming months or year, it can be difficult to stay on top of your IT budget. An MSP can properly assess your current infrastructure and help you create a plan for upgrades and purchasing. Working with an MSP will also help keep your systems working well, which can reduce costs and limit expensive surprises surrounding technology.
If you need improved security
Security is one of the most important aspects of any business, and without a dedicated IT professional working at your organization, you may not be as secure as you’d like. Your MSP can help by providing 24/7 monitoring, strong antivirus and anti-malware options, security testing and training for your staff, automated backups, and help to create a Disaster Recovery Plan. By putting strong preventative measures in place, you can limit your risk of major disruption due to security incidents, giving you peace of mind and saving costs in the long run.
These are just some of the ways working with an MSP could benefit your organization. If you are struggling with your technology or would like additional support, you can reach out to Tech Networks of Boston. We offer a range of remote and in-person services for your organization’s size and needs.